Category: Going Downtown

Downtown Reports – Examples

Following up from last night’s Council meeting regarding reports on downtown economic development. Please find attached links to report on Kitchener, London and Saskatoon. We are developing the Downtown Guelph economic profile on a combination of these documents and will be presenting this to Council in September. This document, intended to be our annual report, […]

Re: Guelph’s newest splash zone creating some waves for merchants

Some Carden Street businesses don’t have a parking problem; they have a marketing problem. I’m amazed at the urban vitality springing up from the re-construction of Carden Street in downtown Guelph. First the skating rink, now the splash zone and transit hub are truly transforming the area. Opening the street to pedestrians-only during festivals will […]

Summer City Street Party

dance your heart out downtown at the Summer City Street Party Celebrating civic space, water wonders, world music and our creative community Featuring new dance by IMAGEO and world fusion music by ECCODEK June 22nd 2012 8:00pm-10:30pm Carden Street Performances in Market SquareAlready a popular destination for winter skating, playful splashing, or quiet reflection, Friday June 22nd will see Market Square transform into a […]

City opens interactive water fountain in Market Square

The interactive water fountain in Market Square will begin operating today. “City staff has been busy testing the fountain, training staff and ensuring the proper operating procedures are in place,” said Mario Petricevic, General Manager of Corporate Building Maintenance. “The water fountain has received approval by the local health department and is officially open for […]

Major Downtown Activation Grant for 3–7 Gordon Street project

The Guelph Civic League supports intensification downtown when done in an appropriate manner. As such, we support the application for a Major Downtown Activation Grant for the 3–7 Gordon Street project. This project has many benefits, including a mid-rise (6-storey) form, mixed uses including street-level commercial, live-work and housing, commuter bike parking and onsite car-share, […]

St Georges Square

I was very disturbed to hear that the city is planning on making changes to St Georges Square soon. I think that it is great to look at the opportunity to change it. I believe I read that is slotted for 2015. People are concerned about the shops in the square with the buses moving […]

Guelph Support for Affordable Ownership

To support better understanding, the development team for the Gordon Street project wanted to present the key principles of the ‘affordable ownership model’ and the ‘2nd mortgage assistance’ as they relate to DC late payment agreements: 1. Home Ownership Alternatives (HOA) financing and partner financing (including City of Guelph) are provided through 2nd Mortgages and […]