Category: Going Downtown

Carden Street returns to two-way traffic

On Sunday, December 18 Carden Street will be completely re-opened to allow two-way traffic between Wilson Street and Wyndham Street. At that time the direction of the angled, on-street parking will also change to accommodate one or two additional spaces. Signs are being posted to let downtown visitors know about these traffic and parking changes. […]

Lollipops for the nightlife crowd

In early September, I did a posting about how a Victoria BC councillor was handing out lollipops to bar patrons in an effort to calm their spirited nightlife. I took this idea to Guelph’s Nightlife Taskforce who eagerly embraced the idea. The Downtown Guelph Business Association offered to pay for lollipops and Guelph Police Services agreed to hand them out […]

Skating and celebrating the new year at Guelph City Hall

Mayor Karen Farbridge will host her first annual New Year’s levee on Saturday, January 7 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Guelph City Hall. All are welcome. The free, family-friendly event will feature children’s activities, live entertainment, refreshments, and skating on the new outdoor rink in front of City Hall. “I hope everyone will be […]

Improving Sight Lines in St George's Square – Public Works activity on concrete wall/plante

Staff address issues around the Downtown “Walkway” I am pleased to share with you that the Public Works Department and the DGBA are working together to increase safety and security in the downtown. Specifically a minor project will commence soon that will involve the removal of the top level of the concrete wall located behind […]

Fourth Fridays is tomorrow!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is Fourth Fridays downtown…Join us for a night of culture, arts and community. This second installment of Fourth Fridays runs from 7-10pm, starting in St. Georges Square with an interactive ice sculpture demonstration. Pick up a listing of the night’s events at the Square, or check for details […]