Category: Going Downtown

tastereal’s new “Farmalicious” event takes over 12 local restaurant menus this harvest season.

Every weekend from August 5 to October 15 a local restaurant will alter their menu to incorporate in-season produce, meats, breads and eggs from Guelph and Wellington County farmers and producers. Information on contributing farms and businesses will be on display to educate patrons on where their food is coming from, participants will also have […]

Downtown Art Events beginning July 11

Downtown Guelph becomes an even greater hub of art activity and cultural celebration beginning next week. art on the street Art Exhibition & Sale is a juried showcase featuring contemporary fine art and craft that takes place annually in Downtown Guelph. Scores of artists will showcase their works in temporary, open-air studios which will line […]

BIA Fees

1. Business Improvement Areas are governed by the Ontario Municipal Act (sections 204-215). 2. BIA’s are constituted in a defined geographic area, and everyone within that area must participate. 3. BIA’s are established to undertake improvements to public spaces within their defined areas, and to promote their area for business and shopping. 4. The Act […]

Clarification RE: Mercury Article ("Guelph guitar shop proprietors stage high-volume protest over construction work")

For information purposes, the article in yesterday’s Mercury regarding the stereo noise from the Guitar Shop incorrectly indicated that court staff “griped” about the music. In fact, a police officer involved in a trial occurring in the courthouse approached the owners about the music because he felt the music was of such a volume that […]

No solution yet to public urination downtown

The following article appeared in the June 18 edition of the Guelph Mercury: Picture a milk tank truck filled with pee and you have a visual representation of an urgent need in downtown Guelph. A pilot project involving full bladders, public urination and temporary urinals collected just a trickle less than 6,000 litres of urine over a 45-day period in mid-2009. […]