Category: Going Downtown

St. Georges Square Proposal

I co-own a bicycle store in downtown Guelph and have been attending meetings hosted by Lorenz Calcagno concerning impediments to traffic, and customers, in our downtown core. I have been very interested in the ideas that he has proposed and I have been hoping that as a community (downtown business owners) we would have the […]

Downtown concern

For more than 80 years Budd Stores has been an intregal part of Downtown Guelph. We have always made our best efforts to project a positive image in our downtown while maintaining a viable business, so that our staff would have secure employment and the people of Guelph would enjoy visiting our downtown and our store.

Re 2 hour free parking.

I have owned and operated Wild Rose Consignment Clothing store since 1992. I have seen many changes in the past 18 years of business. I have heard many opinions from our customers concerning our downtown, both positive and negative. Since 2 hour free parking has come into affect It has been such a relief not […]

City Budget: 2 hour free parking

I re-iterate my strong support for the decision made by this council to provide 2 hour free on-street parking in the downtown. This decision has been very popular with the entire city. A survey conducted by the city last year indicated overwhelming support for this initiative. Not only was it popular, but a significant number […]

Downtown Traffic

I read in the paper this morning that you feel more traffic downtown will be good for business. I beg to differ with you. As a 67 year resident of this city I remember well when we had retailers by the score on the main street. Of course those days are gone thanks to malls […]

Downtown plan should encourage pedestrian traffic

The following letter to the editor appeared in the November 21 edition of the Guelph Mercury: Contrary to Lorenz Calcagno’s comments that a number of changes to existing patterns would create more traffic in Guelph’s downtown core, I am convinced that reducing traffic in Guelph’s downtown core is something that we should be striving for. If the City of Guelph […]