Category: Going Downtown

Road Construction Timelines

The following posting is a staff response to a question regarding the length of time to complete the Victoria Rd / Eramosa Rd intersection improvement project. The City is undertaking a considerable number of road construction projects over the next year or so and I thought this perspective may be of interest to other residents. […]

Sidewalk Repairs in the Downtown Core

The City of Guelph’s Operations Department will be starting sidewalk repairs in the downtown core Monday October 5th. The repairs will be at various locations on Woolwich between Macdonell and Norwich, Douglas and Cork Streets. It is anticipated the repairs will take approximately four weeks to complete. For more information please contact Bob Thompson, Supervisor […]

Street urinals well patronized

The following editorial appeared in the September 26 edition of the Guelph Mercury: Opponents of the downtown urinals pilot project were likely disgusted at the early returns on the so-called pissoir project. After all, for folks who felt they either weren’t needed or weren’t a potential remedy worth trying, it’s probably somewhat off-putting to learn that in their first three […]

Pissoirs have collected about 2,400 litres to date

The following article appeared in the September 24 edition of the Guelph Mercury: Before two pissoir units were installed downtown, many questioned whether they would get used at all. That question appears to have been answered about 6,000 times. In the first three weeks since the pissoirs were installed – on Macdonell and Carden streets – workers have […]

The Golden Debate

The following article appeared in the September 17 edition of the Ontarion: Christine Paige had to go just as badly as anyone else. While her partner found a shining beacon of hope on Guelph’s downtown streets, Paige was forced to hold-it. Paige watched from the sidelines in a downtown Guelph parking lot as other male […]