Category: Going Downtown

Pissoir report

To date we have collected 556.7 litres of liquid from the pissoirs on MacDonnell St and Carden St. We sustained minor damage to the privacy screening on Carden St which was repaired today. I would suggest that we could reasonably argue we have had in the area of 1,500 people use our pissoirs over the […]

Pissoirs installed downtown

The following article appeared in the September 1 edition of the Guelph Mercury: Next time you’re using the Macdonell Street parking lot, be careful to enter the ticket station and not the little enclosure next to it. The city on Monday installed two long-awaited and much-maligned pissoir units; one in the parking lot next to […]

Bus Hub Relocation

I am writing this email on behalf of the owners and tenants of 90 Carden Street. As you all know, the Travel Lodge has made their position clear that they appose the relocation of the buses to Carden Street. They have done so through letters and emails to council and publically through the Guelph Mercury […]