Category: Going Downtown


I have just read, in the Guelph Tribune, that the City is considering footing the bill for testing pissoirs at the next council meeting. The “City” pays for this and the “City” pays for that, I would like to remind everyone that “the City” are US, the people, and the money the “City” spends so […]

Portland Public Restroom Study

Below is a very comprehensive study on the need for public washrooms that Portland, OR undertook: The whole document is worth looking at but you may wish to focus on the end, specifically, 4.1 Facility Alternatives, 4.2 Funding Alternatives & 5.0 Recommendation.    TB

::Ward Two

I was right in my thoughts that the temporary portable washrooms would become a permanent thing even before they were set up.  I did know how you were going to vote Ian and although it did not please me you have your reasons.  I am only one taxpayer in your ward but I can assure […]

Downtown urinal issue

Thanks for this response to my suggestion about the urinals. I hope this will be resolved with more permanent facilities at some point in time, but right now it is clear to anyone walking in some areas of the downtown that some action needs to be taken to encourage bar visitors to use more appropriate […]


As an original Guelphite, I am very concerned with the state of our downtown core and in particular, the advent of Pissoirs in an attempt to overcome the despoiling of our public and private property by over imbibing Bar attendees during the early morning hours.