Category: Going Downtown

Task force ramps up pissoirs plan

The following article appeared in the July 10 edition of the Guelph Tribune: The task force set up to solve the problems of the city’s entertainment district has come up with a different plan for installing “pissoirs” as part of a three-pronged bid to fight public urination in the downtown. The new plan is modelled […]

Downtown group OK's public urinals

The following article appeared in the July 9 edition of the Guelph Mercury: A downtown task force has approved a modified plan to install “pissoirs” in the core. But unlike the earlier proposal, this one would see units installed “on a more permanent basis,” said Coun. Ian Findlay, who represents city council on the task […]

Message from a citizen

The following correspondences came in while I was away in Edmonton. My apologies for not posting earlier. I understand that the outdoor urinals in the downtown area is going to be voted on tonight. As a taxpayer of this city I would strongly urge you to defeat the proposal for outdoor urinals. I would recommend […]

Edmonton's pissoir project

People are encouraged to act responsibly in public spaces. Public peeing is repugnant to most Guelphites and is a negative public health practice. Providing pissoirs is a means of addressing this basic human need. The City of Guelph is committed to providing Guelphites and visitors with a safe vibrant experience in our Downtown. I recently […]

Public urinals

I would like to give you my opinion on this open air urinals debate.I do not like the idea of this and think they will not be used,you got to remember that these people that urinate downtown are pigs.I think it is going to lead to other problems for the police like fights and more […]

Portable Urinals

In Doug Hallett’s article in last week’s Guelph Tribune, in which you are quoted, you appear to have concluded that the urinal would be used primarily by males, and that it is really not intended for use by females. I believe that you are discounting the ability of females to use a pissoir. Some women […]