Category: Growth

161,205,253 Clair Road East (Dallan Lands) Proposed Plan of Subdivision

Attached is a letter from the Guelph Field Naturalists in reference to the Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-Law Amendment for the property known as the Dallan Lands on Clair Road East. There is a City Council Decision meeting for this planning application next Monday, October 1, 2012. CC Dallan Application letter to council […]

Streamlining City processes for planning and development

The second report of a review of the City’s planning and development practices makes several recommendations to strengthen the City’s processes and make it easier for the Guelph business community to deal with the City on planning and development matters. Recommendations for a new service delivery model focus on streamlining City processes, such as striking […]

Location of High Density Buildings

I am a second generation resident of Guelph and have had many positive experiences watching our little city grow. I appreciate all you do to try to keep the small town feeling alive yet welcoming change with respect to our community. I am curious as to your position with the condominiums being built on the […]

Gordon and Arkell rd

There are two things I know for sure. 1 oil will continue to increase in price and 2 food will be the world’s biggest problem. Thankfully the provincial gov. Has made law about expanding cities borders to protect farmland. This will be more and more strongly worded with time. It is with this that I […]

Guelph uses “environment-first” approach to city planning

City Council has approved the third and final phase of Guelph’s Official Plan update. Official Plan Amendment 48 (OPA 48) includes several policies to enhance Guelph’s social, economic, cultural and natural environment. Guelph’s Official Plan – Envision Guelph – will direct growth and development over the next 20 years. Updates to the policies included in […]

June 5th Council Meeting on OPA 48

I have had a unique experience sitting on both the Green Plan Steering Committee from (2000-2005) and the Technical Steering Committee for the Natural Heritage Strategy (2008). A key intent of these committees and the River System Advisory Committee is to create and/or maintain integrated and sustainable environmental systems. Accordingly, community concern over OPA 42 […]

40 Wellington

Sierra Club has the following concerns with the 40 Wellington application: 1. The parking lot adjacent to Royal City Park is not “excellence in urban design” as required by section 3.6.18 of the Official Plan. This design also violates 3.6.182(a) which requires that parking areas not be visually apparent from the river’s edge. 2. The […]

Potential West end development

Having read the Guelph Mercury article,–councillor-hails-costco-plans I’d like to express my concerns and opposition to potential further “big box” development in Guelph, whether they be Costco (as mentioned), IKEA (as rumoured), or any others. I understand that previous councils voted in favor of these developments, but would argue that any decisions made 7 (?) […]

Livestock and OPA 48

The authors of this letter previously attended open houses related to the Official Plan update for the City of Guelph and communicated via telephone with Guelph planning staff concerning livestock within the City. Questions related to livestock use within the City limits have not been explicitly answered within the proposed Official Plan, were not answered […]