Category: Growth

Official Plan "Amendment 48"

As a very concerned life long citizen observing many changes both good and bad for far too many years; I do try to keep myself informed on upcoming changes that will affect this city in general and touch myself personally. Appears there is another one upcoming again that I have very strong interest in voicing […]

Major Downtown Activation Grant for 3–7 Gordon Street project

The Guelph Civic League supports intensification downtown when done in an appropriate manner. As such, we support the application for a Major Downtown Activation Grant for the 3–7 Gordon Street project. This project has many benefits, including a mid-rise (6-storey) form, mixed uses including street-level commercial, live-work and housing, commuter bike parking and onsite car-share, […]

Guelph Support for Affordable Ownership

To support better understanding, the development team for the Gordon Street project wanted to present the key principles of the ‘affordable ownership model’ and the ‘2nd mortgage assistance’ as they relate to DC late payment agreements: 1. Home Ownership Alternatives (HOA) financing and partner financing (including City of Guelph) are provided through 2nd Mortgages and […]

A fresh approach to land development

The following article appeared in the May 24 edition of the Guelph Mercury. After more than 20 years in the development industry, Andrew Lambden knows how new projects typically come on stream. He’s looking to change it. The founder of Terra View Homes purchased a 14.7-hectare parcel at the city’s northeast corner six years ago. […]

New development boosts downtown renewal

Council approved the first residential development designed to attract more people and jobs to the City’s core and continue building downtown’s vibrancy and vitality. Council considered and approved applications by Stantec Consulting Ltd., on behalf of The Tricar Group, for Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments to permit construction of an 18-storey building at the […]

18 Storey Condo Tower

I would like to express my concern of the proposed 18 storey condo. I am in favour of residential development in the downtown area but 18 storeys seems excessive and the potential impact to the character and aesthetics to the area seem to out weigh the perceived benefits of a few extra floors. I feel […]

Downtown Investment

I saw a comment in newspaper where Mr. Findlay said that there has been a dirth of investment and major changes downtown in recent decades. I am a resident of Carden Street and I concur. I would add that the after hours bar activity I describe as a zoo has scared away 100 or 150 […]

City bylaw; height amendment

Please re-consider the height bylaw amendment. Infill and downtown population density are admirable and desireable goals, however they can be accomplished in a pleasing manner. I ask you to vote to keep the height of the proposed building at MacDonnell to our historic level and to encourage a creative, architechturally pleasing solution to our downtown […]

18 stories?

Whether it is the Beaches in Toronto or the downtowns in much of Ontario, there is strong opposition to a jump-up model of 18 storied buildings plunked down in the middle of smaller established buildings. The opposition is clear. Please reconsider Unto Kihlanki’s proposal. It is clearly in keeping with maintaining a downtown that is […]

18 story proposal

I am writing with my concerns regarding the proposed 18 story apartment tower, and subsequent equivalent developments. I have lived in Guelph for 4 years now, drawn by the unique community, and the beauty of the city – especially it’s downtown core, with it’s blend of historic architecture. There are really only two major eyesores […]