Category: Growth

Re 180 Gordon Street development proposal

Re the proposed development at 180 Gordon Street, the development proposal serves two useful purposes – it makes use of a vacant lot in a highly visible location, and it helps to increase density in an area near the downtown. However, the development as proposed appears to try to squeeze too many units into a small space, with […]

180 Gordon Street Application

The Mayor responds to a planning procedural concern. I have been made aware of a procedural concern regarding Council’s consideration of the 180 Gordon application on Monday Feb. 6. As explained to staff, the concern is that Council is holding the Statutory Public Meeting for the proposed Official Plan Amendment on Monday night and this […]

Staff Recommended change to Planning Meetings of Council

An update from planning staff. The following recommended change to the process at Planning meetings of Council came out of our recent meeting with the Guelph Wellington Developers Association and subsequent discussions with our Planning staff regarding improvements. This change to our procedures during Planning meetings of Council has been endorsed by Ann and Karen. […]

Investment in Affordable Housing – Fast Tracked opportunity (2011 – Year 1 program IAH)

This email is to express to you our City’s administration’s response to the ‘opportunity’ poised by the Province’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, as per the “Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario Program” (otherwise referred to as the IAH). As background – the IAH program is in Year 1 of 4 Year program – […]

716 Gordon – recent comments in local media

Senior staff comment on a development application: In recent articles in the local media, there appears to be the perception that our Planning Department has been slow on bringing a recommendation to Council for decision on this application. This is inaccurate. • The original application from Abode was deemed to be “complete” by Planning staff […]

716 Gordon Street

A resident comments on a development application. We are writing to provide you with copies of the two reports prepared by our Planning experts Beate Bowron and Gary Davidson dated December 28, 2011 in relation to the proposed Development at 716 Gordon Street. We learned, just prior to Christmas, that the Developer has now filed […]

Guelph should be proud of anti-developer stand

A resident responds to the leaked report. Another private-sector report from another city — Oakville instead of Markham this time — has just revealed that city hall has again outsourced its intelligence. And again it pits Guelph’s national reputation as the best place to live in the country against big developers who always want more of Guelph […]