Category: Growth

Correspondence for Mayor and Council

As representatives of the South End Ratepayers Association (SERPA), we feel we must express our deep concerns over the proposed development at 716 Gordon Street (FILE:OP1001/ZC1010). While we are not opposed to student housing being located closer to the university and thus, removing the need for student housing in single family residential neighbourhoods, a development […]

Proposed Redevelopment of 716 Gordon St.

My wife and I, as residents of Colborn St., are writing to express our firm opposition to the proposed redevelopment, as currently outlined by GSP Group on behalf of Abode Varsity Living, of the existing site at 716 Gordon St., Guelph.The The Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment ( File OP 1001/ZC 1010) […]

Proposed development at 716 Gordon St.

While we are not opposed to student housing, the proposal to establish housing for approximately 1500 student in a concentrated area is unimaginable. There are a number of serious issues associated with this proposal, but I will mention only a few of them. 1) The traffic associated with this many potential vehicles in an already […]

Proposal on Gordon and Stone

I am a devoted second generation Guelphite, a very happy NEW resident of Ward 5 and a reliable taxpayer. With this letter I would like to address some of the concerns about the projected redevelopment of the Best Western Hotel on the corner of Stone and Gordon Street. From an environmental standpoint, the Best Western […]