Category: Growth


I write to express my concerns regarding the proposed redevelopment of 716 Gordon Street and its impact on the contiguous community. I note that the proposed redevelopment requires no fewer than ten changes to existing by-laws. These by-laws were put in place by previous councillors, presumably after serious consideration as to the well being of local […]

Neeve St Application

The property I own with my Brother-in-law Paul Martin is up for discussion at this evenings meeting. I am sending this email to ensure that prior to making any decisions, you have the information needed to do so regarding 161 Neeve Street and the lot severance on Richardson St. 161 Neeve Street Prior to us […]

Planning of Gordon St.

I am writing to you to bring to light the poor planning of this cities planners. I am hoping that past mistakes will not be repeated and embarrassing moments won’t come to light. The bad planning I am talking about is the properties east of Vaughan st at Gordon st. The city has been approached […]

Guelph grateful for funding deadline extension

Yesterday, the Government of Canada announced that it would extend the deadline for projects being funded by Infrastructure Stimulus Funds and Recreational Infrastructure funds to October 31, 2011. The City of Guelph is investing $23.5 million and was awarded up to $44.4 million in federal and provincial Infrastructure Stimulus funds, and $3.6 million in recreational […]

Oct 4 meeting

Dear Councillor Findlay, I wanted to thank you for your constructive comments during the public meeting on 4 Oct., and also for moving that I be allowed a few more minutes to speak on behalf of numerous others. I hope that we will see a proposal that is closer to the requirements of Guelph’s Official […]