Category: Growth

Zoning of 410 Clair Rd East

I wish to express my concern about Council’s amendment of the R.4A-34 (Residential Apartment) Zone at 410 Clair Road East to permit a religious establishment. My concern relates to the broader implications of this approach to rezoning that could potentially impact any residential neighbourhood in the City, as well as implications for our Official Plan. […]

Comments OPA 42

Sorry for the delay in getting this to the City and staff but due to when I recieved the notice which I have included in my attached letter. Please if there is any issue with this letter or if you need to speak to myself for any reason please do contact me via the information […]

Natural Heritage Strategy adopted in Guelph’s Official Plan

Guelph’s Official Plan entitled Envision Guelph has been updated to offer increased protection for the city’s green spaces. After extensive public input, Guelph City Council has adopted the Natural Heritage policies and mapping included in Official Plan Amendment (OPA 42). “This part of our Official Plan update relates specifically to the preservation and enhancement of […]


Attached is the response I received from Staff to my presentation at the May 20th Council meeting. As you can see, almost none of my suggestions were accepted. The only significant change was the exclusion of our cottage from the NHS (originally erroneously included because it could not be seen from aerial photographs). Also attached […]

Dallan Lands Proposed Development

We are writing today to express concern about a development proposal for the property known as the Dallan Lands (151, 205 and 253 Clair Road East). We have been commenting on and following this proposal since May, 2008, on behalf of the Guelph Field Naturalists. Our primary concern is the likelihood of isolating the wetland […]

Holding Provision

Holding symbols and provisions may be used in conjunction with By-laws passed under Section 34 (Zoning) of the Planning Act. They are a very unique and powerful development control tool. Effectively they allow Councils to specify the use to which lands may be put to, at such time in the future as the holding symbol […]