Category: Growth

410 Clair Road

We wanted to send this email while our thoughts and emotions from tonight’s meeting are still strong. We think that it is pretty rare to have a community issue generate this kind of passion even though some of our neighbours let their emotions go a little too far tonight. But we want to stress that […]

Public Meetings re: 410 Clair Rd E

Originally sent to Councillors Billings and Wettstein who were in attendance at last evening’s meeting. I attended a public meeting last night in regards to the property known as 410 Clair Rd E and left more than a little frustrated. There were more people there than there were seats, and the majority of the people […]

Zoning Amendment Application/410 Claair Road East

As residents of Westminster Woods, we are totally opposed to the above Zoning Amendment Application of the existing residential R.4A-34 Zoning, to include ‘religious establishment’. Please note our opposition strictly addresses PLANNING principles, and does not reflect, in any way, anti-religious nor anti-interrelational reasons, not to mention racism. We strongly believe the proposed lot is […]

NO Sikh temple!

I am shocked and angry that city plans to build a religious temple in our beautiful community–Westminster Wood. 1. I, myself, am an immigrant from China. My husband is from Iran. We came to Canada because we love Canadian culture and life. We are always very grateful to generations of immigrants from Europe, who built […]

410 Clair Rd. Potential Re-zoning

When my husband and I originally purchased our home in October 2008, we did so with the understanding that the area was zoned for residential homes as well as school institutions. We were comfortable with this, and made our decision to purchase our first home based on what we were told. Now, we have come […]


It has recently come to my attention that there is an issue with a proposed temple to be built at 410 clair road east. I have read what I can on line about this temple since I found out about it on Friday last week. Firstly I would like to say that I am not […]