Category: Growth

Friday meeting re. 15 Carere

The residents meeting on Friday night, September 25, 2009 was well attended though we certainly feel that the end of summer is here. The meeting was attended by 45 people, showing commitment and curiosity for the site development plan is strong. FL has resigned from the Resident Group that represent the By The Lake conservation […]

15 Carere Crescent – EIS & EIR Information

FL stopped into City Hall the other day and requested some of the background information regarding the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) and the Environmental Implementation Report (EIR) for the Victoriaview North Subdivision (61M-137). I advised FL that I would look in the file to find the comments provided by the City’s Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) […]

Concerns about 15 Carere subdivision

Last evening, staff and myself met with about 30 residents adjacent to a new subdivision proposal at 15 Carere Crescent. Neighbours were most concerned about increased volumes of traffic on their narrow crescent. Other issues raised were increased densities, loss of green space, access, changes to water pressure and misrepresentation of future development on the […]

15 Carere Crescent – next steps

I am providing a brief update regarding the proposed townhouse development at 15 Carere Crescent before the next steps are taken. As you are aware, the residents in this area were very interested in providing feedback regarding the proposal. In mid-June, an area resident called and strongly requested that the applicant and staff meet with […]

Guelph receives $44.4 million from Infrastructure Stimulus Fund

Guelph will receive $44.4 million in federal and provincial funds to upgrade local roads, transit infrastructure, and municipal buildings like the city’s main fire hall station. The funding, from what’s known as the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, was announced this morning at City Hall. The governments of Canada and Ontario will each invest up to $22,176,163 […]

15 Carere Crescent – official list of concerns – on-street parking restrictions

Further to the email I sent last Friday May 22, 2009, I now have updated information from Traffic Services regarding on-street parking restrictions on Carere Crescent (concern 3(d) in the original letter).  I can advise that at this time there are no on-street parking restrictions on Carere Crescent in front of the townhouse proposal, however, […]

What needs to be done

Many people in Guelph are concerned about the plans for the new compost plant – from the fact that the first one failed and was a total embarrassment, to the fact that the new one is to again be built on an aquifer, and that the city plans to have garbage trucked into the city […]