Category: Growth

TD Green Streets grant helps Guelph increase urban forest

Councillor Ian Findlay was on hand today as the City of Guelph distributed free trees to city residents. The Adopt-a-Tree event was made possible thanks to a $15,000 TD Green Streets grant. “Guelph was one of 25 communities from across Canada to receive a 2013 TD Green Streets grant,” remarked Councillor Findlay. “I want to […]

Guelph Costco

Please see attached correspondence from Mayor Farbridge with response by Costco. Costo development in Guelph ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Mayor Fabridge, I appreciate the council’s decision on granting Costco additional work hours to perform construction. We are very excited and looking forward to be a part of your community. If you or any members of your staff […]

5 Arthur street

A resident responds to my question from last evening’s Council meeting. I just want to thank-you for your questions etc. with regards to the impact of traffic with the proposal on Arthur street. I hope that these concerns will be addressed by the city. I believe that overall the Architects and Fusion are on the […]

Construction Notice: Victoria Rd. S.

Please find the attached Construction Notice for the reconstruction of Victoria Street South (McAlister to Stone Rd. E.). This project involves the installation of storm sewer, watermain, curb and gutter, sidewalk and street lighting. Victoria Road South will widen, providing two traffic lanes and one bicycle lane in each direction. The work will be staged […]

Complete Application and Public Meeting notice, proposed official Plan and zoning by law Amendments For 5 Arthur St. S.

This is it folks, read it, familiarize yourself with what is proposed for the future. Collect your thoughts, make notes send them in to City Hall. Since Mach 10 2010, we have been waiting and wondering what will happen at 5 Arthur St. S. Finally we have a proposal. Please find The Application for 5 […]

Technicolour condo in south end

A resident comments on a new proposal. I hope I am not the only tax paying citizen in Guelph that can see how ugly the technicolour “Solstice condo” at the corner of Gordon and Edinburgh will be. I am appealing to all councillors to please step up and not allow this bizarre colour scheme. We […]