City starting construction on Wellington Street East

tarting Monday, October 21, the City will begin construction on Wellington Street East, from Macdonell Street to Neeve Street.

The purpose of the construction is to relocate sanitary sewers and watermain infrastructure from the site at 150 Wellington Street East to under the roadway on Wellington Street East, and to replace the storm sewer, curb, gutter, sidewalk and road way.

During construction, traffic on Wellington Street East will be reduced to one lane in each direction. There will also be a night time closure of the Woolwich Street and Macdonell Street intersection for the connection of the sanitary sewer. The date for this closure will be made public as soon as it is determined.

As a result of the construction taking place on Wellington Street East, some Guelph Transit routes will be detoured when travelling to and from Guelph Central Station, and several platform locations will be temporarily changed from October 21 to November 1. All bus stops will remain in service, with the exception of the Community Bus North bus stop at the Bank of Montreal. For complete Guelph Transit detour details and platform locations, visit

It is anticipated that construction will be completed by December 2013, weather permitting.

Every effort will be made to maintain water service to individual properties during the reconstruction. However, there will be a short term water shutdown in the Neeve Street and Wellington Street East area to allow the connection of the new watermain to the existing watermain. Advance written notice will be provided to property owners prior to any planned service interruption.

“We will make every effort to minimize inconvenience during the Wellington Street East reconstruction project. We appreciate your patience, understanding and co-operation during this important infrastructure renewal project”, said Andrew Janes, interim manager of Infrastructure Planning, Design and Construction.