Clarification RE: Mercury Article ("Guelph guitar shop proprietors stage high-volume protest over construction work")

For information purposes, the article in yesterday’s Mercury regarding the stereo noise from the Guitar Shop incorrectly indicated that court staff “griped” about the music. In fact, a police officer involved in a trial occurring in the courthouse approached the owners about the music because he felt the music was of such a volume that the trial was being disrupted.

With the construction occurring around the courthouse, Court staff have been monitoring all noise issues (construction and otherwise) with respect to the impact on court operations. Justices presiding in the POA Court building understand the situation and have been as flexible as possible under the circumstances. That said, where disruptions become untenable, staff have and will continue to address the issues in discussions with contractors, merchants and others through the City’s project engineers and the Corporate Manager of Downtown Revitalization. Thus far, we have been successful in this approach and disruptions of court proceedings have been minimal and resolved expeditiously. Staff