Comments on 1897 Gordon (Bird Property)

Sierra Club has the following concerns with respect to the proposed development at 1897 Gordon:

1. It is premature to move forward on this development until a proper Secondary Plan has been prepared and approved by Council for the lands south of Clair Road West.

2. The proposal as it stands fails to comply with the Provincial Policy Statement in that it does not protect significant wildlife habitat for the Savannah Sparrow, a species of conservation concern.

3. The proposal removes the linkage recommended for preservation in the Hanlon Creek Watershed Plan. The recent Natural Heritage Strategy adopted by the City identifies this same area as a “Significant Natural Area” and includes it in the Natural Heritage System.

4. A complete tree inventory has not been done for the property. The proposal fails to preserve a portion of the plantation/tree canopy. The proposal fails to present a comprehensive tree compensation plan to offset the loss of substantial canopy cover.

5. The proposal fails to protect the entire catchment for the small wetland and would, in fact, allow stormwater runoff to discharge into the wetland. The proposed wetland buffer is not adequate to protect species found in and around the wetland, namely, spring peepers, wood frogs, leopard frogs and green frogs.

6. Low impact development practices, including reduced grading, have not been adequately considered.JM