Comments on the Downtown Secondary Plan

Please accept this letter as a show of support for maintaining by-laws that uniformly restrict height in the downtown core to a measurement no higher than the Cathedral. Many people regard low building heights as an important part of both our cultural heritage and our civic identity and wish to have this preserved and protected.

I also wish to express my firm belief that the Heritage Conservation Analysis listed as “proposed” on page 6 of the Report, be completed prior to the City approving any major changes to the downtown core. The delineation of areas of “cultural heritage value” should be complete before Council moves to approve significant development in the core – to ensure that we are protecting our vulnerable heritage assets and can back this up with a professional analysis.

I invite councilors to examine my photographic project Guelph: 100 Days in the Mirror at this link: in the hopes that they will take time to consider the consequences of generic development models on the identity of Guelph. AW