Correction: Farmer's Market – response to your blog

The Armoury is only one of several options being considered by staff for the Farmer’s Market potential relocation. No formal decision has been made by Council.

Apologies for the confusion.  ian

We’ve had some feedback about your blog post about the Farmers’ Market

The post implies that the City has already decided that, in the long-term, the market will be located at the Armoury. While the Armoury is one option being considered, the City has not made a final decision.

We would hate for people to think the City had made a decision about the future of the Farmer’s Market without inviting community input.

Could you please clarify the information posted on the Ward 2 blog to ensure people understand the Armoury in just one location being considered and, years from now, when the City considers a new location for the market, the community will be notified and invited to participate in finding a suitable location.

As noted in the Downtown Secondary Plan, future uses for the Armoury building are speculative in nature, and would follow extensive discussion and negotiations with the present owner, and a Farmers’ Market relocation and expansion strategy. To date, we have not received any indication from the Federal Government that they are planning or willing to release the property to the City.

For your reference: The Armoury
Should the current Department of National Defense use of the Armoury be relocated, the building and site could be converted to other attractive uses for residents, businesses and visitors. The building may be suitable for any one or a combination of the following: an educational institution, a cultural or community facility, a year round public market, a business incubator or a military museum. The remainder of the site could expand new uses in the building or accommodate additional uses to establish a unique cultural destination. Residential and/or commercial development at the rear of the site could be used to help finance public uses. With these opportunities in mind, the City shall pursue further discussions with the Federal Government on the future of the Armoury. At the appropriate time the City shall undertake a feasibility study that considers relocation options for the current uses and the costs and benefits of converting the property to the uses identified above, or other appropriate uses as may be determined through the feasibility study.  Staff