Correspondence for Mayor and Council

As representatives of the South End Ratepayers Association (SERPA), we feel we must express our deep concerns over the proposed development at 716 Gordon Street (FILE:OP1001/ZC1010). While we are not opposed to student housing being located closer to the university and thus, removing the need for student housing in single family residential neighbourhoods, a development this massive in scope would be a blight on the neighbourhood. We feel the traffic studies are flawed and do not account for the use of the property by those other than students, if the student population doesn’t materialize. Even the building shadow study seems hard to believe. Imagine half the neighbourhood to the east cast in shadow for most afternoons of the year. Suffice to say, there are many, many other reasons why this planned colossus does not fit.
It is clear that the U of G has a moral and ethical responsibility not only to the student body but also to the local community and the City of Guelph as a whole.
That being said SERPA strongly supports the CSA suggestion that they develop an on campus student housing co-operative that would not only enhance the university’s infrastructure but would help resolve many of the problems attendant to off campus student needs and housing.
SERPA fully supports the Mayfiled Park Community Association in their efforts to oppose the proposed development and hope that this council will deny or drastically alter the proposed development.  GA