Downtown Investment

I saw a comment in newspaper where Mr. Findlay said that there has been a dirth of investment and major changes downtown in recent decades. I am a resident of Carden Street and I concur. I would add that the after hours bar activity I describe as a zoo has scared away 100 or 150 milliion dollars worth of investment and change all over the central core. I can’t prove it. It is my guess. I have seen 5 owners of this hotel attempt to add tower to old Royal Hotel site since 1990. Four of them paid for detailed archetectural plans. Each project was going to be about 20 or 25 million dollars. They all backed out after taking a sobre 2nd look at the downtown after dark. People speak of the downtown with disgust all over the Ontario development community. I maintain that the new luxury condominium on Macdonell St. will be hampered by viewing vomiting urinating and fighting and vandalizm from their condo windows. I am wondering if anyone agrees. I believe that without the bars that every street in the most central core would have seen massive rebuilding and development if not for the bars. AC