Downtown Reports – Examples

Following up from last night’s Council meeting regarding reports on downtown economic development. Please find attached links to report on Kitchener, London and Saskatoon.

We are developing the Downtown Guelph economic profile on a combination of these documents and will be presenting this to Council in September. This document, intended to be our annual report, will give Council and the public the material to understand the scale, impact and track what is going on in the area.


Downtown Report (2008):

Kitchener’s version of Prosperity 20/20 and Downtown Implementation Plan:

Economic Development Strategy (KEDS.11) 2011-2015 –
Downtown Kitchener Action Plan (2012-2016) – approved 2012 – look at the first pages


State of the Downtown Report (2011):

Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) – The Value of Investing in Downtowns – a recently published study on the economic role of city cores within their metropolitan areas. Provides good context to position the economic vitality of the core within each city as a whole.

Whole study website:

Saskatoon example:   Staff