Edmonton's pissoir project

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People are encouraged to act responsibly in public spaces. Public peeing is repugnant to most Guelphites and is a negative public health practice. Providing pissoirs is a means of addressing this basic human need. The City of Guelph is committed to providing Guelphites and visitors with a safe vibrant experience in our Downtown.

I recently traveled to Edmonton where they are addressing the same issues that we have in this City. Two years ago, Edmonton piloted a program where pissoirs were located in their entertainment district to help with the problem of public urination.

Three strategically placed pissoirs collected 500 litres of liquid each weekend!

Merchants and the public alike were so supportive that they have now permanently installed these pissoirs 24/7 for all to use.

Other Cities that have or will be installing pissoirs include Vancouver, Calgary, Victoria, Toronto, Winnipeg, New York City and Beijing to name a few. In fact over 600 cities worldwide have pissoirs.

These pictures where taken at the corner of 105 St. and Whyte Ave., across from the Strathcona Hotel, at lunchtime, in Downtown Edmonton.

The pissoirs are provided by http://www.itsmypotty.com/
