Gordon Street Application

When I attended the EAC meeting where this application was discussed and moved forward in the planning process, it was obvious from their comments that even though EAC had reviewed this application, which some members were not, convinced that no negative impacts would occur to the Hanlon Creek PSW from this development. Despite this concern, and knowing that this proposal is not consistent with the 2005 PPS wetland policy the committee voted to allow the development to move forward with many items that needed clarification and further study. All of these items are the key to knowing whether this proposal is sustainable and that the Hanlon Creek PSW will be protected in perpetuity for ours and future generations.

The City, GRCA and MNR spent over $1 million dollars on the Hanlon Creek Watershed Study and the 2004 State of the Hanlon Creek Watershed Study. Many recommendations have been ignored or not implemented. For instance, The State of the Hanlon Creek Watershed Study recommended that further monitoring be carried out in 2009 – 2010 in order to determine if already approved and built development had impacted the ecosystem in the Hanlon Creek Watershed. Neither of studies recommended the development of this property, instead the 2004 report indicated that there should be no further encroachment on the buffers to the wetland. This development proposal does not comply with this recommendation.

A large number of developments in the Hanlon Creek Watershed have been approved since the last State of the Hanlon Creek Watershed Monitoring was conducted in 2000. To my knowledge this monitoring has not been completed. The report recommended that further monitoring be carried out in 2009. Without this monitoring information how can the city assure its residents that the development approved to date has, in fact, been sustainable? The City of Guelph seems proud to call itself a “Green City” a statement that can only be proven by the required studies to show that the Hanlon Creek Watershed with its cold water fisheries is still viable and vigorous despite all the development that has been built and the encroachments that have occurred as a result of these developments.

The fact that city staff is supporting approval of this development without requiring the completion of the necessary studies first is surprising since it is their responsibility to advise council on what constitutes good planning and their responsibility to bring forward proposals that meet the intent and spirit of the Provincial Policy Statements.

Is it good planning to?

Put in an underground parking garage in an area of high water tables?

To approve a development that may impact groundwater flows to the wetland?

To potentially place our groundwater at risk of contamination?

As a long term resident of Guelph I am appalled that our city is looking more like Mississauga, Milton and Brampton every year. Along with these changes have come higher property taxes to pay for growth. We have not yet even seen the 4.5 – 5% increase in property taxes that should occur each and every year according to the CN Watson Report to Guelph City Council. Instead, we are experiencing cuts to service. As Councillors you should be accountable 1st to the existing residents to maintain services and not using our tax dollars for water and wastewater infrastructure for some future predicted resident who may or may not chose to live in Guelph. LM