Guelph Innovtion District Secondary Plan

I am unable to attend the public open house, however I would like to confirm my concerns.

– On the schedule D height map, the dotted line around the south east section of the GID (Glenholm area), refers to policy 6.3.34. There is no 6.3.34 and I would think that the dotted line can be removed.

– Secondly: I would like to see the wording changed for the Special Residential Area (6.4.32. on page 30) to add at the end of the last sentence, ……without the requirement to comply with the official plan policies for water and wastewater systems.

– On the schedule E phasing map, I would like the Special Residential designation area moved into Phase 1 from Phase 4 as there is no reason to wait since it is a self sustaining development and will bring a tax base into the city at an early stage. The University has been working on this for 9 months and we would like to continue with the positive momentum that they have put towards the special residential project.

With these changes, I fully support the Guelph Innovation District Secondary Plan. KS