HCBP info

In response to your questions, please note the following.

1. Total Size of the Park?
Future Residential = 1.38 acres – note: this is a small residential block (block 1) which is to be sold and conveyed to Carson Reid. Carson Reid has a townhouse block abutting this parcel to the north in the Kortright Hills IV subdivision.
Corporate Business Park = 168.8 acres – note: these are the blocks which permit some manufacturing, but are intended to accommodate other uses. A copy of the zoning map and details are attached for your reference.
Business Park = 181.1 acres – note: these blocks are primarily found on Phases 2 and 3 and permit a wider range of manufacturing than found in the Corporate Business Park zoning. Having said this, both zones describe uses that are not permitted due to the environmental concerns. A copy of the zoning map and details for this zone are attached for your reference.
Open Space = 164.3 acres – note: these blocks are areas that will be retained and protected due to the environmental nature of the blocks.
Stormwater Management = 63.4 acres – note: This includes land that is dedicated for SWM ponds, conveyance channels, etc.
Future MTO Interchange = 2.2 acres
Road Widening = 7.0 acres
Roads = 67.2 acres – note: these are all of the internal roads that will be constructed.
Total = 671 acres – note: all of these figures are based on the approved draft plan of subdivision. We are currently in the process of addressing the conditions of draft plan approval which will alter some of these stats. Any revision to these stats will be minor.
City Ownership of Development Blocks
Corporate Business Park
Phase 1 = 84.3 acres
Phase 2 = 27.1 acres
Total = 111.4 acres
Business Park
Phase 2 = 19.2 acres
Phase 3 = 78.3 acres
Total = 97.5 acres
Total City Ownership (all phases)
218.9 acres
2. Size of Wetland Maintained including 20 meter buffer?
Open Space = As noted above, the open spaces area is 164.3 acres, of which 55.9 acres represents Provincially Significant wetlands that have been identified for protection by the GRCA and MNR.
3. Size of Services (roads etc)?
Road Widening + Stormwater Management + Future MTO Interchange = 132.8 acres – note: this includes subdivision lands required for the construction of water, sanitary sewers, storm facilities, utilities and roads.
4. Size of Remaining Industrial Lots?
Corporate Business Park Block Sizes – range from 3.7 acres to 28.33 acres
Business Park Block Sizes – range from 4.4 acres to 29.5 acres
note: Each of these blocks can be further subdivided should the need arise. In some cases blocks can also be consolidated to provide for large blocks, should the need arise. For example, the largest Corporate Business Park block that could be established would be 18 acres. The largest Business Park block that could be established would be 85 acres.
Non HCBP Blocks – Cooper Construction and Industrial Equities currently have serviced, market ready blocks available on the east side of the Hanlon Expressway. As soon as I have theses numbers I will forward them to you.
5. Allowable Floor Space, based on 40% coverage?
Corporate Business Park Block Sizes – 168.8 acres = 7,318,000 sq.ft x 40% = 2,927,000 sq.ft of floor space
Business Park Block Sizes – 181.1 acres = 7,889,000sq.ft x 40% = 3,155,500 sq.ft of floor space
6. Available Industrial Space for Rent or Sale in Rest of City?
We are assembling this information for you.
7. Amount of Money the City has Invested to Date
Land Purchase
Principle = $10,609,955
Interest = $ 4,169,721
Total = $14,779,726
Soft Costs (includes consultants costs to conduct studies, prepare planning applications, secure approvals and prepare designs)
Construction Contracts Let
We are assembling this information for you.
I have assumed that other members of Council may find this information useful and have therefore taken the liberty to copy them on this e-mail.


Subdivision Plan 06

Industrial zoning chart Rev

Corporate Zoning Chart Rev