Homecoming Weekend

There has been considerable discussion about what transpired during Homecoming this past weekend with many receiving very emotional appeals for assistance. I am meeting with Bylaw, Fire and Guelph Police and a representative of the University later next week to debrief on our activities during this event. Following as soon afterwards as possible, a ‘summit’ will be held with senior staff, Councillors, staff from CSS (neighbourhood engagement) and Communications (along with the aforementioned staff and agencies) to discuss our findings, possible further mitigation and communication strategies going forward.

In closing, there has been considerable effort over the past few years to co-ordinate efforts to address such behaviours. While we have had success, it should be acknowledged that each year new students join our community and an orientation period will occur while they acclimatize to their new environs. Let us not despair too much because of this unfortunate set back. I acknowledge the efforts of everyone working to contain these issues. GPS will have a prominent presence this weekend to curtail undesirable behaviour. In addition, our own bylaw staff will continue to work closely with GPS to co-ordinate our efforts. We are and will continue to monitor this situation closely. You can anticipate a further update on the coming weekends activities early next week. Staff