INfill and 18 Story buildings

When the decision was made to go for infill as opposed to expanding the borders of the city I along with the majority was in favour of infill. But at that meeting I cautioned that there would have to be stronger planning controls on the older neighbourhoods so that they would not be destroyed by infill. And I was right to worry. What the Committee of Adjustment allowed on lower Mary Street is an abomination and I think there is not a doubt that it has significantly lowered the value of the adjoining properties, which is totally unfair.
Now we have 18 story buildings being proposed for the downtown area which will destroy the looks of the city. There are all kinds of other problems like traffic congestion etc. etc. but the most important issue is the look of th city! I was on Planning Board when the protected sight lines to the church were put into effect. They will be of little value if these mammoth highrises are allowed. Why does the city not put a height by-law on the downtown? PH