Location of High Density Buildings

I am a second generation resident of Guelph and have had many positive experiences watching our little city grow. I appreciate all you do to try to keep the small town feeling alive yet welcoming change with respect to our community. I am curious as to your position with the condominiums being built on the marsh land on the corner of Edinburgh and Gordon Street. Has this building met environmental, traffic and density codes for our city? Also, I would like to know what you think about the Student Housing high-rise that will replace the College Motor Inn on the corner of Stone and Gordon Street? I am very concerned with both these issues as it will directly affect traffic as people enter our beautiful and sought after city. I believe it is great to move away from large properties and big houses, but the location of these high rise buildings and condominiums need to be considered more closely. For example, in my opinion, the condominiums on Victoria or Clair Road work well with respect to architecture, location and traffic.

As a resident of a quiet neighbourhood in this area, I have noticed an increase in traffic on our street which is now becoming a “thru-road”. This greatly concerns me as just this week, my daughter almost got run over by a fast moving vehicle as she was biking to school. Nonetheless, if both of these high density buildings become a reality, I fear that surrounding neighbourhoods will become unsafe and newcomers entering our city will be very frustrated with the traffic and number of stop lights. Even if you try to get people to come into Guelph from the 401 using the speedy “expressway”, the traffic lights and speed limit there don’t make things much better.CZ