My concerns regarding 146 Downey Road

I live in the Kortright Hills community. Following is a list of my concerns about the proposed development at 146 Downey Road. While I could embellish each point, I am sure you have sufficient information about each of these points to make this unnecessary.

Ø The excessive height of the proposed apartment building resulting in an impact on the current visual beauty

Ø The developer’s request for flexible zoning

Ø The impact of the development on the Provincially Significant Wetlands

Ø Lack of a specific development plan versus a range of plans requesting zoning approval for the most dense option

Ø The inclusion of an apartment building despite opposition from residents at the January 20, 2009 meeting

Ø Increased traffic with the potential to impact safety and noise levels

Ø Apparent lack of attention to the impact of both this development and the Hanlon Business Park directly to the south

Ø Eliminating trees is in direct opposition to everything “green” and the ambitious plans in other communities to plant trees

Ø The detrimental effect of “ground water runoff” on the adjacent meadow and wetlands

Ø Inconsistencies in the developer’s plan with the intention to include rear garages

Ø Density, smaller lot sizes and less landscaped areas are outside the current zoning requirements

I am fully aware that the development will proceed and this is not my issue. My reason for getting involved is to ensure that everyone – developer, residents and the city – reach a collaborative and harmonious conclusion to this initiative in the south end of our beautiful city. KL & WL