Neighbourhood submission Downtown Secondary Plan

Recently members of the Allan’s Mill Pond Neighbourhood group met to discuss and come to a position on the Downtown Secondary Plan.

After much discussion our neighbourhood group wishes to convey to you that:

• we are supportive of the goals of the downtown secondary plan in principle
• we have serious concerns about some of the details with specific reference to maximum heights
• our position is that the maximum height of development in the expanded downtown area should be restricted to 10 stories
• in the negotiation process that occurs with proponents we are of the position that granting of additional floors above ten stories (bonusing) only occur if the proposal demonstrates:
o Leadership in sustainability as indicated by some level of LEED standing,
o An exceptionally attractive design making it worthy of the visual status that accrues from heights at this level,
o Angular plane features as per the current Official Plan -the structure is stepped back from the street or riverside property line.

We are of the view that maximum height is a pivotal item in the plan. Accordingly we request that council consider and vote on it separately so as to clearly address the issue and clarify the position of each member of council.

Despite the fact that hired consultants and city staff members are making recommendations that differ from our position, it is you as our representatives that ultimately provide the direction on behalf of city residents. There are too many examples in local planning where staff recommendations have been followed only to the detriment of the community. The need to increase density is clear; however the means of achieving it should not change the overall character of our city for the worse.SK