NO Sikh temple!

I am shocked and angry that city plans to build a religious temple in our beautiful community–Westminster Wood.

1. I, myself, am an immigrant from China. My husband is from Iran. We came to Canada because we love Canadian culture and life. We are always very grateful to generations of immigrants from Europe, who built this wonderful country for us to enjoy. We need to respect the history. We are here to share the common value, not to bring the difference.

2. We need to keep the peace and beauty in this community for majority of the residents. Schools, shops and public facility were built in each community based on the population. What’s the population of Sikh in this community, even in Guelph?

3. If city really wants to support this project, find a remote area and let all sorts of minority religions build whatever they like to build there. It just does NOT fit to our community! I am a proud resident of Guelph for 12 years. Please let Guelph be Guelph!   CP