Official Plan "Amendment 48"

As a very concerned life long citizen observing many changes both good and bad for far too many years; I do try to keep myself informed on upcoming changes that will affect this city in general and touch myself personally. Appears there is another one upcoming again that I have very strong interest in voicing a concern about. I do try to watch the City Council Meetings as much as possible to see things as they are in the development stages but due to the nature of having to work long and strange hours at times I must have missed viewing a meeting were the Official Plan being Amended as it relates to the Speed and Eramosa River Systems and their related greenways at the recommendation of “Staff”.
The letters to the Editor in last nights (Tues 5/29) Tribune certainly caught my attention in a hurry!!
Why would anyone consider removing the protection of the Speed and Eramosa River Systems and their greenways from the Official Plan?? Both these Rivers and of course the Wellington Street Dam are of great importance to myself personnally as I see the beauty of them both every waking day and will do everything possible to speak out about any possible revisions that affect the future of these remaining as we see today into the future and long after I am gone.
I could go on and on about how important I believe these two Rivers are to this City; but many of you are aware of this from the past years contact I have had when anything comes to my attention that has a possible affect on them; so no need to re-visit that now.
Simply: What is going on at City Hall and why is the Official Plan being recommended by “Staff” to be Amended to remove your guardianship of this extremely important and intregal part of this City?
Thank goodness for these two local newspapers that do cover many “local” events that keep citizens informed of what may be future changes that totally slip by the masses who don’t read local news and for some unknown reason are reading Toronto based papers (if any).
Please do ensure the “masses” out here are informed totally of any major changes that will affect them and future generations with mass mail outs or whatever methods available. Many of us are not into Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc so please don’t think you are keeping the “masses” informed by that method; as you are not!
An update from City Hall in our “”local”” paper and radio is in order here, please. MF