Pissoir report

To date we have collected 556.7 litres of liquid from the pissoirs on MacDonnell St and Carden St. We sustained minor damage to the privacy screening on Carden St which was repaired today.

I would suggest that we could reasonably argue we have had in the area of 1,500 people use our pissoirs over the first 7 day period.

The on-going cleanliness of the units was recognized as paramount to the success of the program. Accordingly, our service provider was directed to attend the sites on a daily basis to:

1. Vacuum out the liquid from the unit
2. Scrub any areas requiring scrubbing to remove visible items
3. Rinse with fresh water
4. Apply disinfectant/deodorizer to all surfaces with a hand sprayer…product used is called “Simple Green”, a biodegradable cleaner/disinfectant/deodorizer.

In addition, staff have been asked to keep a close eye on both locations throughout the day and to take action as necessary to maintain the sites. The ‘wet pavement’ referred to is likely the water used to rinse the units. We will investigate how we can accelerate the evaporation of the water from the area to address this negative perception.         Staff