Portable "pissoire" in Downtown Guelph!

The Nightlife Task Force has been dealing with many concerns related to the vibrant entertainment scene in Downtown Guelph. One particularly troubling issue is public fouling of our downtown streets and alleyways.

A recommendation for public washrooms in all new public buildings in the Downtown has been made by the Task Force. These accessible washrooms will be available for families, tourists and our nightlife patrons alike in the near future.

While we await construction of all these new facilities, the need to address the immediate problem persists.

A recommendation was made by the Task Force for city staff to look into the possibility of locating temporary portable urinals in the Downtown on weekends.

These open air urinals, sometimes called pissoirs, are quite common in Europe. They provide a modicum of privacy for the user with the convenience of easy street access.

The target market for pissoirs is males between the ages of 19 and 35.

What do you think? Do you think that the status quo is unacceptable? Is Guelph ready for open air urinals? Is this paradigm shift too much?

Here are some examples of pissoirs from around the world.


Operations staff will be bringing forward a report and recommendation to the ECO committeeon June 15.
