Project partners mark start of construction at Hanlon Creek Business Park

The City of Guelph will celebrate the start of construction for the Hanlon Creek Business Park on Thursday, October 29.

Mayor Farbridge, along with project partners Belmont Equity and Cooper Construction, will be joined by Frank Valeriote, Member of Parliament for Guelph for a sod turning ceremony at the business park.

Members of Council, City staff and representatives from the Grand River Conservation Authority, University of Guelph, Guelph Economic Development Advisory Committee, Guelph Partnership for Innovation, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and local real estate agents and brokers will also be in attendance to mark construction of the HCBP which will get underway in November.

Sod turning ceremony to mark the start of construction of the Hanlon Creek Business Park

Mayor Karen Farbridge

Ken Nevar, Executive Vice President, Cooper Construction

David Kemper, Managing Partner, Belmont Equity Partners Group Inc.

Frank Valeriote, Member of Parliament, Guelph

Hanlon Creek Business Park

Downey Road entrance, south of Teal Drive

Thursday, October 29
5 p.m.

This event is not open to the public, it is by invitation only. Members of the media will be required to bring their media credentials to access the site.