proposed 18 story building downtown

I just wanted to weigh in, on the consideration of the 18 storey building proposal for downtown.
I really think that the height of this building is too high. It would dominate the sky line, and really change the feel and atmosphere of downtown. I am not against development, and would think that something closer to the Cooperators building, say 12 stories, would be suitable. 18 is just too high.
I also think this decision carries alot of weight because it sets a precedence for further development. There are many creative ways to build, so that the “flavour’ of a city is not comprimised. Part of the charm of Guelph is that is doesn’t have alot of imposing large buildings. I would be really disappointed if Guelph went the way of many cities and allowed development that is not creative or thoughtful of the interaction of landscape and the other buildings around. I am becoming more and more appreciative of the importance of beautiful, welcoming public spaces.
Whatever is built on that site, will be there for a long time. Is this really what the council wants to have as part of its legacy to the city? It would be such a shame, to me, since you have done many good things such as city hall, and the museum, to welcome people into an environment that feels healthy, lively and considers human dimensions.
I know there are many varied interests here and I urge you to support a building that is no so high. SM