Proposed development at 716 Gordon St.

While we are not opposed to student housing, the proposal to establish housing for approximately 1500 student in a concentrated area is unimaginable. There are a number of serious issues associated with this proposal, but I will mention only a few of them.
1) The traffic associated with this many potential vehicles in an already busy intersections is a recipe for disaster for both vehicles and pedestrians.
2) Mayfield Community Park will no longer remain as such since that park is the only outdoors physical outlet area for this number of active young people. Children and neighbourhood residents continue to use the park.
3) The proposed height of 16 and 14 floor towers next to a residential area where there is nothing in the area over 5 or 6 floors, including the University itself, will be a blight in the area.

Please consider these points, among others, in your deliberations.   MW