Proposed Re-zoning of 410 Clair Rd East.

Let me begin by stating that I enjoy the multicultural aspect of my neighbourhood and the fact that it is not dominated by any one race or religion. I can assure you that I would be opposed to any religious development of this magnitude within such close proximity to my place of residence regardless of faith. I understand that the Sikh community requires an adequate facility in which to worship, I do not agree however, that the proposed location of 410 Clair Rd. East is an appropriate location for the proposed establishment.

The two issues that concern me most are parking/traffic congestion and lack of architectural “blending in” with residential surroundings.

Lack of adequate parking and consequential traffic congestion on our residential streets is of prime concern to me for two reasons. The foremost in my mind being safety. Goodwin Drive is the only street which allows access to numerous other streets in our neighbourhood. There is no alternate route as an option and I am concerned that if required, emergency vehicle access will be restricted or prevented with the traffic congestion which may occur. Have the city planners taken emergency vehicle access into our neighbourhood during peak periods of use at the facility into account?
I believe that this issue should pique city planners’ interest into requiring the allotment of parking spaces to be increased regardless of standard ratios being met.

Dr. Ravi Rai attempted to allay our fears of traffic congestion by stating that they only worship on Sundays with a few exceptions, but I believe that some celebrations, weddings for example, are 3 day long affairs. How would this type of use impact the quiet, un-congested streets of our neighbourhood?
Should this application be approved, our fears might be quelled if there was no access whatsoever (vehicular or pedestrian) from Goodwin Drive to the property. City planners have indicated that the Sikh residents of Westminster Woods require pedestrian access to permit them to walk to services, I disagree. The Goodwin Drive walkway is not a requirement but a convenience since there will be sidewalk access via Clair Rd. I believe that compliance to such a restriction would show an act of goodwill by the applicants.

My next issue is lack of “blending in” with the surrounding residential neighbourhood. I have seen plans for the building and while the architect has mentioned the facade is appealing I fail to see it. What colour would
the building and adornments be? How would six gold domes blend into the surroundings? Mr. Hannah mentioned the religious adornments would be no different than a Christian church having a cross erected on the building, but as I stated earlier I chose not to purchase property or reside next to a religious facility of any sort.

I propose that this facility be erected in an area that is either zoned non-residential or currently a wholly, undeveloped parcel of land allotted for future residential use where the community could grow up around the temple enabling residents to make their own choice of whether to reside there or not.   JM