Proposed Zoning change for Arkell Road Bible Chapel lands.

I was quite dismayed to be sent the proposed zoning changes for the Arkell Road Bible Chapel land.
According to the City’s own official plan (7.2.d) new development should maintain the stability and character of the built form in existing established neighbourhoods. Our neighbourhood consists of single family detached houses mainly bungalows and sidesplits on large lots. The properties are well maintained, beautiful. It is a peaceful, quiet, friendly and family oriented neighbourhood. To be compatible, we would expect the new development to be planned in a similar fashion.
I know that the official plan also encourages a gradual increase in the average residential density of the community (3.3.1.b). To accommodate this goal I could picture a development of single detached houses on smaller lots or perhaps some semi-detached units. With the present institutional/R.1B zoning, I could also picture another church, small private school, retirement or nursing home. Our neighbourhood would welcome all of these ideas.
You should realize that the proposed development would be looking into our backyards, our private spaces. The proposed zoning change would allow cluster and stacked townhouses and an apartment building meaning that the new houses would have a direct view into the backs of our properties. The proposed development does not comply with side and rear yard allowances, parking, or units allowable per hectare as demanded by the city’s own planning regulations. Such compacted housing would only be attractive to perhaps short-term student housing which would not be compatible with the established stable neighbourhood. We have lived here for almost 20 years and are considered relatively newcomers.
The safety issue of the entrance to this development coming out on the blind hill on Arkell Road has also not been addressed. I live on this hill and find it dangerous to exit my driveway. I can’t imagine another 100 cars trying to do the same every morning and every afternoon. It is too close to Gordon to put in another stoplight.
Please say no to the proposed zoning changes. We would like to thank the councilors for the thoughtfulness that goes into the planning of a beautiful Guelph. MR