Public Meetings re: 410 Clair Rd E

Originally sent to Councillors Billings and Wettstein who were in attendance at last evening’s meeting.

I attended a public meeting last night in regards to the property known as 410 Clair Rd E and left more than a little frustrated. There were more people there than there were seats, and the majority of the people were feeling the same as I was. We went to this meeting with the understanding that we would have the opportunity to ask questions and, in return, get answers. There were a lot of questions. There were very few answers.  Most questions in fact were avoided and simply went without any answer at all. The city staff that were present would only answer questions that related to the revised submission, however, could provide no answers to questions that were asked at previous meetings. We left feeling unheard and unrecognized. Further to that, I feel unsupported. I realize that it was not listed in the notice that either of you would be attending last night’s meeting, however I can tell you that your presence there would have made a huge difference to me and many of my neighbours. As our elected officials, you represent us. I certainly don’t feel like we were represented after last nights meeting.

My concerns are numerous. They were raised last night and include parking, traffic, noise, taxes, strain on services, the buildings appearance, property values and what would amount to be a huge change in our community’s population. I am not alone in these concerns, as I am sure you are aware. I was born and raised in Brampton, ON and I can tell you first hand just how temples such as these change not only a small community, but an entire city in just a few short years. I came to Guelph to avoid these changes. I chose Westminster Woods because of its community appeal. There are people of all denominations in our neighbourhood, which was one of the greatest appeals; however I fear this temple would change that.

I will be at the March 1st meeting at city hall, and I sincerely hope we are represented by you at that meeting. AF