Re 180 Gordon Street development proposal

Re the proposed development at 180 Gordon Street, the development proposal serves two useful purposes – it makes use of a vacant lot in a highly visible location, and it helps to increase density in an area near the downtown.

However, the development as proposed appears to try to squeeze too many units into a small space, with the result that the development will not have enough associated green space and will crowd the culturally important Marianne’s Park, significantly altering its form and function.

In addition, the Official Plan Amendment proposed for 180 Gordon St. is to exempt this property from the 30 m vegetated buffer setback requirement that applies to all properties along the very important Speed/Eramosa Environmental Corridor. The objective of retention and restoration of a naturalized corridor
along the Eramosa/Speed Corridor has been successfully implemented since the adoption of the Official Plan in 1995, and this implementation is a continuation of citizen-based efforts that started decades earlier with the Speed River Project. This effort has produced a highly valued environmental corridor on both
banks of the Eramosa within the city limits and beyond. The existence of this length of natural channel is rare in the Province and the urban portion is particularly distinctive and valuable.

If this council truly wants to adhere to the spirit of the Official Plan and protect this valuable corridor, the amendment for 180 Gordon Street must be opposed since parts of that property are closer than 30 m.

Lastly, Council is holding the Statutory Public Meeting for the proposed Official Plan Amendment tomorrow. This will be the first time that the public will have an opportunity to comment on the OPA. City staff have said that it is reasonable for Council to be asked to approve the OPA the same night. I strongly disagree. If this is allowed, Council will not have enough time to consider
public comments on the OPA before making its decision. I believe that this does not reflect best practices regarding the consultation of the community when dealing with such important amendments to the Official Plan. Perhaps a deferral  of the Council vote is in order. DS