Report Number 11-60, file ZC1110 Ward 1 ( 139 Morris Street)

I am sending a few concerns about this application. I am finding some information incomplete or having some ambiguity.

The main concern I have is based on real life townhouse experience. Your approval of the townhouse development at the corner of Neeve and York Roads looks very much like this one. You have to live here to see the outcomes. For a long while, all of the conifers planted originally died. A new owner has taken up the place and is more attentive to the green space of which there is far too little. There are constantly visitor cars parked along Neeve Street because there is inadequate parking and this makes traveling the street a bit risqué at times. The number of occupants is now allowed at four per unit and this is now allowed in the by law. When four persons are living in those units, there is a plethora of garbage every week and often it is not picked up. The landlord needs to be obligated to educate all of the tenants about garbage. Also, and without a doubt, there have been some sewage problems associated with such high densities.

Therefore I question the number of occupants for the entire application at 130 persons per hectare when I know the potential, over which you have no control, is for 256 ( 4 x 64). In fact, this does not include the mixed use building, which can have many customers each day as well as tenants above. I would ask for a reduction of the units to house 130 persons as per PTG and most, I assume are meant to be homes in a family neighbourhood so three to four persons per unit can be expected. i.e.: 32.5 plus, not counting the mixed use building. The set back on Morris Street needs to an improvement over the houses on that street because there is already a gross amount of pavement and not enough foliage. Trees need to be planted as part of the proposal along the front of these homes to provide shade for the occupants naturally. There are not enough parking spaces. The back to back town houses will be cramped and cramping, as the ones on Neeve/York.

The burmes on the streetscapes need to be larger. This townhouse development needs to encorporate some of the good principles acquired by the York/Wyndham development. The design as it stands does not encourage communication with the surrounding community and this is a family orientated community. This developer leaves no room for family activities and assumes that the ward will become a silo of single owners, when in fact , it will become ghettoized along with all of the other high density features that are presently being suggested to change our city plan.

AS for jobs, this is speculation without even an example and best statistics.
Maybe we could try harder and try to stick to some principles. Not all communities in practice go strictly by the PTG Act and for good reason.