Sikh Temple in the South End of Guelph

We live in the south end of Guelph and were one of the first people in the Clairfields subdivision. I am totally opposed to having an 18,000 sq foot temple on Clair Road. It was originally zoned for a seniors residence so why can someone just come and get that re-zoned? I think it’s very important to have more senior residences. I am very concerned and so are the 10 houses of friends and neighbours I have. A Sikh temple of that size does not fit in with the design of our neighbourhood. The traffic would be chaos and so would the noise. They should build that size of a temple somewhere outside the city (in the country somewhere) where they will have ample room for parking and traffic.
I hope that for once the city officials will listen to us residence because I know that many of us will be forced to move somewhere else. It’s not the type of neighbourhood I want to live in. RK