The redevelopment of the Best Western Hotel, at the corner of Gordon and Stone Rd.

We, the residents of Evergreen Dr. are strongly opposed to this development for the following reasons:

l. The proposal with 14 and 16 storied structures is not in keeping with the city of Guelph architecture. It is completely out of character in this neighborhood, where the adjacent Delta Hotel is only four stories.

2. A major concern is the vehicular and the pedestrian traffic in an already highly congested area. It currently difficult to make a left hand turn out of Montecello Cres. because of the heavy flow of traffic north on Gordon, and converging out of Harvard Rd. and the Barber Estates. It is also difficult to make a left hand turn out of Evergreen Dr. onto Stone Rd, in part because of the traffic emerging from the Best Western where there is only one exit. Currently many students park at the Best Western and few if any students cross at the Gordon St. light. Surely a new exit onto Gordon St. would further complicate traffic flow.

3. It is unclear what problem would be solved by this proposed student residence. The University Administration is indifferent to this proposal, because all first year students can be housed on campus, as well as those seeking residence in subsequent years. If additional space is needed for student housing, surely it should be built on campus, as the University is the largest land owner, and without a need to expand beyond their boundaries.

4. The shadow caused by these tall structures will mean that residence on Evergreen Dr. will be in a shadow for much of the afternoon. Currently there are tall evergreen trees, but these allow air flow, and sunlight to penetrate, and could be trimmed and cut accordingly. They are green living breathing organisms quite unlike a solid concrete structure.

5. Of concern is the potential decline in property values. The proposed residences have sealed windows, and no balconies, and on warm fall and spring days, all hell will break loose, and the damage to area properties will be increased. Almost every house on Evergreen Dr. have had additions. One is a heritage house, all on large lots, and all of relatively high value. To erode this tax base would be wrong.

6. We are not opposed to students, but claims that this development will reduce the demand for student housing in provate homes in the vicinity can ot be substantiated as similar structures at other Universities are either incompleted or too recent for full evaluation of their impact.

7. The structure in our view is completely out of character for the city of Guelph, and we suggest that council should reject the entire proposal.NS