Today marks the death of street and death of a once beautifully groomed Jubilee Park.

Today the buses roll into the hub on Carden Street. This marks the death of Carden Street and Jubillee Park. A gust of dust and assault of noise and smell of spent fuel enters the scene. Cement over a great area spells out a soul dead reality. Hundreds of buses per day and millions of riders per year will invade the street for no real purpose to the detriment of those that reside in this area. This area has become victim of bars and all the blood and vomit and excessive and illegal musical volume vandalizm and violence that comes with it. One can not appreciate how far the bus riders are from the square without standing at its various points and contemplating the distance involved. The countless small item purchases that millions of bus riders spent in the square i believe will be lost forever. Today is a dark day for many. Alex Cuthbertson 106 Carden Street Guelph AC