tree report on Dallan Lands

Thank you for your interest in the tree loss on this property and for the questions you posed at the meeting last night.

As you recalled at the meeting, I said in my statement that 500 trees would be removed. I determined this number by going through the tree report and adding up the numbers of trees in each “unit” that were to be removed due to grading.

I have reviewed the report once again and can state with confidence that the report shows that about 528 trees will be removed (give or take a few, which the report states “may” be retained). Another 65 trees in the park area of the development could be removed if the park is planned for active use. So it is possible that nearly 600 trees will be removed for this development.

It should also be noted that, according to the report, the tree numbers for each “unit” are approximate and that trees under 10cm in diameter were not counted.

Many of the trees proposed for removal are native species, including sugar maple, elm, walnut, black cherry, ash, hemlock, white cedar and silver maple. The report lacked many details typically found in tree inventories, including: 1) percent of native vs. non-native trees; 2) totals for number of trees removed and number of trees retained; 3) diameter at breast height (dbh) and crown radius for each tree removed; 4) total canopy area of trees removed.

More than half of the trees to be retained are within coniferous plantations along the eastern edge of the site.

I hope this information helps to answer some of the questions raised about tree loss on the site.JM